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Kern County Parks & Recreation

1115 Truxtun Avenue - 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301

(661) 868-7000


Reservation Request Form

Senior, Community, Veterans, or Recreation Buildings


Reservations will not be held or confirmed until the required insurance, other documentation, and full payment are submitted.
Security guards are required whenever alcohol is present at the event.


General Fees

  • $8.00 nonrefundable application fee for a one-time event
  • $30.00 nonrefundable application fee for multiple events occuring at the same hall annually
  • $500.00 Cleaning/Security Deposit

Rental Fees for Veterans, Seniors, and Community Buildings

All Buildings except Rand and Inyokern:
  • $50.00 per hour up to 6 hours, with a minimum 2-hour ($100.00) charge
  • $30.00 per hour for each additional hour, or portion thereof, over 6 hours
Rand and Inyokern Buildings:
  • $35.00 per hour up to 6 hours, with a minimum 2-hour ($70.00) charge
  • $30.00 per hour for each additional hour over 6 hours
Kitchen Use:
  • No charge if serving on site with room rental
  • $50 per hour, with a minimum 2-hour ($100.00) charge if serving off site without room rental

Fees for Recreational Buildings

  • $20.00 per hour, for events attended by one hundred fifty (150) people or less
  • $200.00 per day or any portion therof, for events attended by more than one hundred fifty (150) people

Insurance Information

Libaility insurance is required for all events held in County buildings. You may purchase insurance through the Parks & Recreation Department or provide your own coverage.

Important Notes

  • Nationally recognized veterans' organizations are exempt from payment of rental fees when reserving a County-owned Veterans' building.
  • Nonprofit organizations are exempt from payment of rental fees when reserving County-owned Veterans', Seniors', and Community buildings.
  • The Cleaning/Security Deposit may be waived for Non-Commercial Private Users, Non-Profit Private Users, or Non-Profit Users only.
  • Before submitting the form, the applicant must review and agree to all the terms and conditions. Preview the terms and conditions
  • Insurance information does not need to be included in the submission, as it will be requested later in the process.
Please check that you agree before continuing.
By continuing I agree that I am willing to complete a digital version of the document(s) and that information about my user session will be stored.
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03/16/2025Click to Sign

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